Hello again,
I'd like to start this blog by saying that today was a pretty good day despite the title above. Last night I went to my first night club and so I slept in pretty late. It felt good to sleep like I would in America haha. After I woke up, I made omelets for my roommates. They were pretty darn good if I do say so myself. We have been cooking almost all of our meals from scratch and they have been great. I remember a fellow coach of mine telling me that they had a lot of dried cereal when they studied abroad and I was so afraid I would be eating the same! haha
So, now that I have told all of you the ever so interesting subject of what I eat here, I will move on. After eating "breakfast" I went to the gym with some friends. It will be great to be sore tomorrow hahaha. And so, after all of this, I have finally reached the subject which is the blog title. When I got home from the gym I decided that I was going to cut my hair. As I started my hair clippers, I noticed it was very loud. But, of course, I kept going. Then, it died. It just stopped shaving. Right in the middle of the whole process. Just. my. luck. All in all, it ended up okay because my roommate Sarah was able to continue the cutting process with a scissors. It looks pretty darn good thanks to her!
Well, there isn't much else to say. My classes start tomorrow and I will continue to write in my blog for those interested.
Good bye for now!
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